Heavy Load Company Uses 50 Ton Rotator to Move Pool in Shaker Heights
Interstate Towing responded to a landscaper’s call for a heavy load company in Shaker Heights last week. The landscaping company was installing a fiberglass pool in the backyard of one of their customers’ homes. They needed help to lift the pool off of the trailer it was delivered on and move it to the hole they had already dug for it in the backyard.
The landscapers thought that we would use our crane to get the job done. However, in this case, using a rotator was definitely the better option. The pool had to be moved between two houses, leaving little room for maneuver. As if that was not complicated enough, they also had to take into account the power lines running above the homes!
A rotator has the same lifting capability as a crane but is able to work in much more confined areas. This particular lift and move took just under two hours to complete. The first obstacle the heavy load team had to face was the powerlines. They lifted the pool off of the trailer and placed it on the driveway 10 feet away.
Now that they were clear of the powerlines, they repositioned their rotator and moved onto the next step. They lifted the pool back into the air and performed a mid-air roll to get it facing the right way. It’s not every day you see a pool being flipped in the air!
The Interstate team did a fantastic job moving the pool to it’s designated spot in the backyard. They had to clear a driveway, a home, and a garage to do so! In some spots, they only had 6 inches of clearance between houses!
Thanks to the rotator operator‘s attention to detail and experience, the pool move went smoothly. We’re sure that someone in Shaker Heights is enjoying the new addition to their backyard!

Details of Heavy Load Company Uses 50 Ton Rotator to Move Pool in Shaker Heights
Interstate Towing’s dispatch office responded to a call for a heavy load company in Shaker Heights, OH. The heavy load company was needed to move a fiberglass pool off a trailer and into a hole the landscapers dug in their customer’s backyard.
The rotator team used four points of contact on the pool. The heavy load company lifted the pool into the air and placed it on the ground 10 feet away from the trailer. With the power lines behind them, the heavy load company was able to lift the pool 30 feet into the air.
Once in the air, the heavy load company performed a mid-air roll to reposition the pool. The heavy load company then needed to walk the pool between two houses. In order to get the pool in position, the heavy load company needed to swing it over the neighbors house!
Once the pool was in the backyard, the heavy load company placed it on the ground. They then repositioned it one more time as per the landscaper’s instructions.