Heavy Machinery Lifting Services at Burke Lakefront Airport
As Cleveland’s number 1 heavy machinery lifting, moving, and transport company, Interstate Towing often receives unique requests. It’s not everyday that you get to help with lifting two helicopters, so we were eager to take on the task. Here’s how we accomplished the job,
Normally for large heavy machinery lifting jobs, we have several days, or even weeks, of notice to prepare. However, when this call came in on October 17, 2022, requesting assistance for a job to be completed, the very next day, we knew we couldn’t turn the opportunity down.
The caller happened to be an employee of the Burke Lakefront Airport in Cleveland, Ohio. Heavy machinery lifting services were required to hoist two helicopters. We take pride in helping the Cleveland community with the most complex jobs and were happy to help!
The next morning, we arrived at the hangar to get to work bright and early at 8AM. As we rolled in the 80-ton heavy wrecker, the ominous clouds started to roll in too. We were asked if we could do the job inside of the hangar for the ease and safety of all involved.
After a thorough inspection of the premises and specifications of the heavy machinery lifting project, it was time to get to work. Due to the low clearance inside the hangar, we made some quick calculations to work at a low boom angle.
We hooked the first helicopter up and hoisted the aviation device off the truck and trailer and placed it on the ground. This was the replacement chopper. Next, we hooked up the second chopper before lifting it onto the truck and trailer. This chopper was going in for routine maintenance. Once set, the first chopper was again lifted onto a dolly for transport out of the hangar.
In about 45 minutes, the job was complete. The Burke Lakefront Airport staff was pleased with the fast and efficient heavy machinery lifting services.

Details of Heavy Machinery Lifting Services at Burke Lakefront Airport
Interstate Towing & Transport received a call for heavy machinery lifting services on October 17, 2022. The heavy machinery lifting team was sent out the next day to the Burke Lakefront Airport in Cleveland, Ohio at 8 AM to help hoist two helicopters.
Due to inclement weather, the heavy machinery lifting needed to occur inside of the airport hangar. The low clearance provided us an opportunity to test our low boom angle lifting skills for heavy machinery lifting jobs.
With the help of our 80-ton heavy wrecker with boom attachment, the heavy machinery lifting team was able to make easy work of the task. First, we hooked up the first helicopter and lifted it off a truck and trailer and onto the ground. This would serve as the replacement chopper while the second one went in for maintenance services.
Then, the second helicopter was lifted onto the truck and trailer for transport. Finally, the first helicopter was lifted again onto a dolly to be taken out of the hangar.
The entire heavy machinery lifting project was completed in just under 45 minutes. Thanks to the Burke Lakefront Airport for allowing us to complete the heavy machinery lifting job.